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The Land Connection
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Land, Health, Community


Spring 2024

East Central Illinois

to fund ongoing programs that increase farmer knowledge on sustainable farming practices; grow beginner farm businesses; provide the community access to healthy, locally grown foods; and expand public awareness of the importance of a local food system.

Sola Gratia Farm
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Land, Health, Community


Fall 2024

East Central Illinois

to help the organization through a period of growth that includes making investments in administrative staff and software for financial, donor, and CSA management as well as facilitating the expansion of the farm onto new land.

Prairie Rivers Network
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Land, Health, Community


Fall 2024

East Central Illinois

to support the organization’s continued growth and development in their work with a diverse group of partners to foster land management practices and policies that protect the land, air, water, and biodiversity of Illinois while educating local and state decisionmakers and regulators on conservation issues.

Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting
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Land, Health, Community


Fall 2024

East Central Illinois

for general operating funds to produce in-depth stories focused on water agriculture, and environmental issues in partnership with the University of Missouri’s Mississippi River Ag and Water Desk.

The Land Connection
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Land, Health, Community


Fall 2024

East Central Illinois

to fund programs that include: increasing farmer knowledge on sustainable farming practices, growing beginner farm businesses, providing the community access to healthy, locally grown foods, and expanding public awareness of the importance of a local food system.

Prairie Rivers Network
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Land, Health, Community


Fall 2023

East Central Illinois

to support the organization’s continued growth and development in their work with a diverse group of partners to foster land management practices and policies that protect the land, air, water, and biodiversity of Illinois while educating local and state decisionmakers and regulators on conservation issues.

Sola Gratia Farm
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Land, Health, Community


Fall 2023

East Central Illinois

to help the organization through a period of growth that includes making investments in administrative staff and software for financial, donor, and CSA management as well as facilitating the expansion of the farm onto new land.

UIUC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Economics
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Land, Health, Community


Fall 2023

East Central Illinois

for the development of a Policy Design Lab at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) that applies research, data, and computational resources to add context and perspective to challenging public policy matters while also seeking innovation and creativity in policy design.

Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting
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Land, Health, Community


Fall 2023

East Central Illinois

for general operating funds to produce in-depth stories focused on water agriculture, and environmental issues in partnership with the University of Missouri’s Mississippi River Ag and Water Desk.

The Land Connection
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Land, Health, Community


Fall 2023

East Central Illinois

to fund programs that include: increasing farmer knowledge on sustainable farming practices, growing beginner farm businesses, providing the community access to healthy, locally grown foods, and expanding public awareness of the importance of a local food system.